Dmitrii Mikhailovich Vinokurov
Dmitrii Mikhailovich Vinokurov has been working at ICLC since its foundation. Since 2005 — as the General Director of the Company.
Before ICLC, he worked in public authorities that exercise financial control. He was engaged in the work of the Audit Council of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
The professional qualification of Dmitri Mikhailovich is confirmed by the unified Auditor Qualification Certificate (No. 01-000430 dated January 23, 2012). A member of Self-regulatory organization of auditors — Association “Sodruzhestvo” (SRO AAS). Also, he is an author of books and publications on taxation and law.
Dmitrii Vinokurov graduated from the State Academy of Management named after S. Ordzhonikidze with a degree in Public Administration. He completed professional retraining at the State Academy of Innovations, the Intersectoral Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of executive staff and experts of the Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics. In 2010, the dissertation committee of the International Academy of Management awarded Dmitrii Vinokurov the professional degree of Doctor of Economics and Management.